Sunday, February 10, 2019

2019 reading challenge week 6

For week 6 I read a book that was published the year I graduated high school, which for me was 2013.

I read "Fangirl" by Rainbow Rowell (synopsis).

Image result for fangirl by rainbow rowell
Rating: 8/10

     First of all, as someone who identifies as a fangirl herself, I have never felt so called out in my life. I know we seem a little crazy, but that fact that we swoon over characters and their relationships with other characters was not too far from the truth. Frankly, this novel was pretty spot on when it comes to explaining the private lives of fangirls (although I don't think I would ever hand in a fanfiction as an assignment for a creative writing class).
     My only complaint about the novel was that it was turned into a cinderella-esque love story. It was all pretty cliche. The normal, jock type guy falls in love with the anxious, nerdy girl. I would have been totally fine with them just having their friendship and this being a story about accepting others as well as yourself, but this had to turn into a love story. Not that it wasn't done well, it just seemed a little unrealistic.
     But this was a very good book and would recommend it to every fangirl, or someone who has a fangirl in their life.

Next week I'll be reading "Be my valentine, Charlie Brown" by Charles Schultz.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

2019 reading challenge week 5

for the 5th week of the reading challenge I read a fantasy novel, "Empress of all seasons" by Emiko Jean. (synopsis)

Image result for empress of all seasons

(I want to apologize for not doing week 4 of the challenge, but as you know, life can get in the way. Last week I read a book that deals with mental illness, so I read "First we make the beast beautiful" by Sarah Wilson. It's basically a memoir on her anxiety, that explains anxiety very well. I give it a 7/10. If you want a better idea of how anxiety feels from the perspective of someone with anxiety, I suggest you watch this video.)

Now back the review.

Rating: 9/10

     This was a very good book, especially if you are like me and like Japanese folklore. The lore was accurate and there was a glossary in the back for the Japanese words used.
     The only thing I didn't like about the book was that it jumped between perspectives, but only did so in the form of chapters. It kept the flow of the story and I never really felt lost, so I was that annoyed, and it gave a well rounded story.
     It's hard to talk about my favorite parts without spoiling anything, but I will say the world building, especially having to do with the 'seasons', was very interesting, and was done very well without taking away from traditional Japanese society and folklore. Even the way the characters spoke, thought and acted didn't ever make them seem less Japanese and felt really authentic.

Next week I'll bee reading "Fangirl" by Rainbow Rowell.