Saturday, January 5, 2019

2019 Reading challenge week 1

So we are staring off the 2019 reading challenge with the audio book.

I listened to Eric by Terry Pratchett

Eric (Discworld Series #9)

Rating: 5/10
As someone who doesn't read a lot of science fiction, I can't say whether or not I liked this book. It was easy to follow and I mainly listened to it in the background when I was getting ready for work.

But it did have its funny parts. There is a 14 year old "demonologist" who accidentally summons a wizard thinking he is a demon, wizard claims he is not a demon, but surprisingly has demon powers. There is also a snarky parrot. Death is also there, and he is a beekeeper who knows everything and occasionally we see an orangutan who is a librarian.

All in all if you like science fiction, I think you would like this. I probably would not have read this if it wasn't in audio format. So if you don't like science fiction I wouldn't recommend it.

Next week, a book recommended by someone else: Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather

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